Book Week
Black History Month Celebration Assembly
2023 Masquerade Gala!
The 2023 Masquerade Gala
March 18th, 7-10pm
Warehouse 416
416 26th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Early Bird 02/10/23- 2/24/23 $45
Advanced 02/25-03/04/23 $50
Final Hour 3/5/23- 3/18/23 $55
Click here to Purchase Tickets
Head over to the Walden Gala 2023:
Online Auction and start placing your bids!
Click here to bid
This event can only be successful with YOUR help.
We need your help to set up, close the auctions, serve drinks,
and especially to clean up together (so we can all go home).
Click Here to Volunteer.
We’re looking for more auction items!
Creative offerings are especially appreciated!
Examples of offering from the past years below.
Click here to donate.
- Movie/Pizza Night hosted at a parents house. You can make this specific to your child’s age group/grade.
- Kids Mini Golf Outing – hosted by parent
- Parents Hike to Pelican Inn – This was hosted by 2 parents who served breakfast the day of the hike at the host’s house then coordinated a carpool to Tennessee Valley Trail and hike to Pelican Inn for lunch.
- Art classes – Hosted in the past by Walden Art Teacher or Parent Artist
- Tie Dye Party – Hosted by Parents at their home or can be hosted at Walden.
- Paella Party- For adults only
- Cocktail Party – For adults only
- Physical Auction items! Do you make jewelry? art? music? Do you have an extra fancy enamel cast iron pan that your uncle gave you even though you told him you don’t cook? Real objects make the auction feel more fun!
March Fundraiser: Five Little Monkeys
For purchases made between March 1-15, 2023, Five Little Monkeys will donate 15% of the pre-tax total back to Walden. This promotion is valid for purchases made March 1-15, 2023 only. USE CODE WALDEN23 online or in stores.